Monday, August 14, 2006

This week at ai's office

Hi, my first post (Rachel).
This week I am mostly working on 'Ere Be Dragons (see the seperate BLOG to find out more). Banging my head against mobile technology as ever, and trying to simplify the whole thing so we don't need 5 people to orchestrate the game experience.

We need to find a simpler way to use GPS, GPRS and heart rate... so off on a research trip on the internet super highway. All the technology is there but not in one small device... someone build me it all please!!!

The other stuff we have on is...
Resetting the camera for Cambridge University Press, it is back online but facing the wrong way, so will spend an hour of my holiday (that starts on friday) back up in the tower in Cambridge. We hope to launch this project as soon as it is back online, at least to our audiences, we are waiting for Cambridge University Press to set a date for the official launch.
Dreaming of the Future

Mapping Love City, what is Love City, anyone can help build Love City (visit the BLOG to find out more) and planning the game rules.

And last but not least our newest project the Equal project, where we are working with the Peepul in the Making group and two freelance filmmakers to make some short films that can be viewed out and about on the streets of Leicester form a mobile device, on the web and as a DVD. Treatments for each film will be written this Thursday and go to the Peepul in the Making website for more information about that.
>Peepul in the Making

Making plans and seeking funding for next year too, so will be in the office a bit longer! But holidays and Secret Garden beckons from Friday, wehay!

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